Find Your Path Forward
Therapy for Individuals
Ready to Make a Change
Available Online in Texas and Louisiana
The anxiety never stops.
Each morning, you wake up exhausted, dreading the day ahead.
There’s a perpetual fear that you never seem to escape.
And you can’t remember the last time you felt any sense of optimism.
The past still haunts you.
You thought that time was supposed to “heal all wounds,” but you feel trapped by painful memories.
It’s as though you’ve been dealing with the same problems for as long as you can remember, without any resolution.
And you’re still stuck in the same harmful thinking patterns you always have been.
There’s so much you want to accomplish.
But making any progress feels entirely impossible.
There’s always more to do. No matter how hard you work, it never seems to make a dent in your to-do list.
You feel like a failure. Why do other people have it so easy while I’m always struggling?
You’ve tried to find a solution.
You still feel like an answer will present itself if you could just think about it the right way.
People suggest books to read or podcasts to listen to that they swear have helped them.
And a part of you wants to just give up and ignore your issues.
But it’s no use.
The more you think about it, the further into despair you sink.
None of the methods people have suggested have done any good – in fact, they only seem to make things worse.
You wonder what’s wrong with you that none of what works for everyone else helps you at all.
Something needs to change.
Every day, you go through the same motions, disconnected from the world, living on autopilot.
With each failed attempt, you feel less hopeful that finding a solution is possible.
And you worry that you may never find your way to that life you’ve always dreamed of.
It’s time to make a decision.
You’ve arrived at a crossroads, and you’re faced with a choice.
In one direction is your life if you continue to let things go as they are – trapped, confused, and disconnected.
The other option is to reach out for the help you need
to start living the way you deserve.

Hi, I’m Richard.
There’s a reason that we’re here in this life. It’s a mystery in need of discovery coded into our life story.
For over 35 years, I’ve been helping people like you uncover the clarity and understanding to move forward through their pain rather than away from it.
This is a journey to understand who you are, what you value, and how to live as your most authentic self.
Soon, your mind will begin to slow, your excessive worry will fade, and a new sense of optimism will emerge.
Join me now on this journey from despair to hope, and get started today!