About Therapy

1419781805No matter what generation you come from…

If you’ve ever found yourself ensnared by your thoughts and emotions, you’ve come to the right place.

Life’s complexities can feel overwhelming, leading us into familiar cycles and struggles with inner conflict.

But there’s always hope, and I’m here to lead you to it.

Anxiety? Confusion? Depression?

A mix of all three?

Perhaps no word fully captures how you’re feeling.

Whatever it is, you feel lost, unsure of what steps to take next.

It’s not like you haven’t tried…

Maybe you’ve read self-help books, been inspired by podcasts, or tried various things to feel better – to LIVE better.

You may have even seen a therapist, but nothing seemed to shift.

Now, you eke through your days, silently grappling with your emotions and discontent.

345397208Trauma is at the core of many struggles.

Traumatic experiences can leave you feeling emotionally overwhelmed and stuck in negative thought patterns, like self-criticism, pessimism, and rumination. Negative thinking can lead to unhappiness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, which create difficulties in your relationships, work, and daily life.

Psychotherapy is a space for you to explore and challenge these thought patterns in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment.

By working together, you’ll learn the origins of your negative thoughts and learn techniques to reframe them in more positive and adaptive ways.

My purpose is crystal clear…

I’m here to help people like you break free from ingrained patterns perpetuating unhelpful habits and thought processes.

As we engage in open dialogue, the important issues will naturally emerge, allowing us to examine how they impact your life.

We’ll pay special attention to addressing fears of judgment, improving decision-making, boosting self-confidence, and setting healthy boundaries.

I’m here to give you a transformation that lasts.

Through evidence-based therapeutic techniques, I’ll help you develop coping skills, enhance self-awareness, work through past trauma, and make positive changes in your life.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and irrational beliefs. We’ll work together to replace them with more realistic, constructive thoughts. CBT can lead to profound shifts in perception, emotion, and behavior, ultimately enhancing overall well-being.

Insight-Oriented Therapy

Here, the focus is developing awareness and understanding of your emotions, thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors. We’ll examine the root causes of your difficulties, like unresolved conflicts or unmet emotional needs. Understanding the underlying dynamics allows you to develop more adaptive coping strategies, make healthier choices, and experience greater emotional well-being.

1784639798I want to know all about you.

We’ll begin with an assessment to tell me more about your emotional and physical symptoms, your social supports, your mental health history… and more. I want to know all about you because that’s how we’ll understand your path… your values… your goals.

And if we’re going to understand how you’ve gotten to this point of seeking therapy, we have to know how your past has shaped your current thoughts, emotions, actions, and relationships. We have to know your patterns if we’re going to make meaningful changes that last.

With all this information, we’ll leverage your strengths and devise a unique plan to help you get what you want out of life!

Just a word of warning…

Change isn’t always easy – even when it’s good for you.

You might think you’d jump on any solution that helped you get rid of stress, anger, or frustration. But if these are constants in your life, the change can be daunting.

Many are intimidated by the idea of changing what they’ve grown accustomed to, but…

Keep showing up and being consistent, and I’ll support you through every step.

You might be a little anxious the first time we meet.

That’s completely understandable and normal.

But I’m here to put you at ease… and to give you the tools to get through this storm and live your best life on the other side.

So, therapy is something to look forward to!

Let’s take that journey… together.

Please reach out today. We’ll start by getting to know more about each other during your free consultation: (214) 794-4958.

“I became a psychotherapist because that’s where people will unburden themselves, where they will show what is in their hearts.”
– Rollo May

About Me

Richard And WifeI typically chat with a cup of coffee in my hand.

You’ll notice me sipping on it as we talk. It’s a practice I took as a child while visiting a family member with a mental illness. We used to bond over coffee, discussing life’s intricacies. That memory has stayed with me ever since!

I can’t get enough of my work.

I find myself endlessly drawn to my work, delving into the depths of human nature and the pursuit of inner peace. It’s an endless journey into people and what brings peace.

I’m a fitness enthusiast and a Cajun cook.

I’m not sure they go together, but I embrace the contrast. 😊

I’m told I have a great sense of humor.

I’ll take you seriously, but I can’t say the same for myself!

My wife and I love our dogs.

You’d never know by the picture, right? We rescue animals whenever we can.